Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Technology will always be associated with the up in coming generation. Therefore the older you get the less in touch with the current technology most people become. A constant struggle emerges within the work place because at a lot of companies have employees that span decades in which they were born.  How to encourage the evolution of technology and change can sometimes be a hard fought battle. If emphasis is placed in the positives of the change and rewards are set in place to encourage the behavior of using the new technology, then it may become less of a mountain to climb and more like a hill.

As I have mentioned before, food is my baby. I totally enjoy every aspect of food, growing it, taking the time to prepare it and most importantly eating it. My roommate is a vegetarian. I love meat. However, I have found interesting ways to make meatless dinner options. Don’t get me wrong I am personally open to the idea of being a vegetarian, but I would crave a steak and then I would eat said steak, so that wouldn't work. Needless to say I have learned to evolve some of my menus so that they do not involve animals.

Opinions. Unlike genuine truth they can change and twist depending on our own thoughts or ideas. I had a very strong opinion on a common occurrence in today’s society, the same side sitters. You know the lovey dovey couple that sits on the same side of the booth in restaurants. I was a strong believer against the same side sitters, because it just seemed strange. What did the couple both bring along imaginary friends? I didn’t understand why I couldn’t have my own space on my side of the booth to stretch out, put my purse and not have to worry if my arm would be hit during the inhaling of food (maybe this is the only child in me coming out). However on a date, I was asked if I minded if he sat on my side of the booth. Warning bells went off in my head, but then I asked him why he wanted to sit next to me. He explained that he enjoyed being close to me and didn’t particularly want the whole restaurant in our conversation. I am still not 100% convinced of the same side sitting, but I am now open to the idea.

Refresh your mind! Keep questioning your opinions on everything and don't say you don't like something unless you have tried every way you can. Tofu is yucky, but I still have many more ways to try it. Hip Hip H...

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