Saturday, July 2, 2011


Who are you? What makes you, you? Your upbringing, morals, values, experiences and passions. What happens if you break a promise to yourself? What happens when you deviate from your values? Does it mean that you are less of who you are?

People and situations will come into your life that make you question your core beliefs, that is just a fact of life. How you deal with those situations is what truly makes up who are and strive to be.

I laugh obnoxiously loud. I hug people when I meet them. I dance in a room full of people, when nobody else is dancing. I drink coffee like it is going out of style. I refuse to have sex before I am married. I grow my own mint to make mint juleps. I will wake up early every day to take care of my dog.

I will not change these things about me. They are part of who I am and what I enjoy. Being true to who you are at the core, but being open to change that does not sacrifice your beliefs is essential.

Over the course of the past couple of months opportunities both good and bad have crossed through my path that question who I want to be and I am happy to say that for the most part I have stuck to my core. However, I have not done a very good job making improvements and deciding where I want to go from here. How do I see myself growing to be even better in the future? Everything is evolving in this world, so you have to make sure that you evolve positively with it.


  1. It is the journey and not the destination. Very thoughtful, Kate - that is what the jouney is all about.

  2. I just read all of your blog entries. You are on the right track. I like that you are saving time for personal reflection and growth Kate. It is remarkable. Keep up the good work.


