Sunday, March 25, 2012


You graduate high school. You go to college. You graduate college. You get a job. You live on your own. You figure yourself out along the way. Then you think about it, then you can actually think about getting married. This is what was ingrained into my head at a young age by my mother. This is what you do, this is how you become successful.

There is so much more to it though. I wish I could teach a class on all of the things that I think are important to learn through the young adult years while you are finding yourself single or married.

How to cook a complete meal at least once a week and the ingredients you need to keep  on hand to do so.
How to figure out how much of your budget should be a mortgage payment vs groceries vs fun things.
How to say no, to anything politely.
How to balance a relationship with your work and you time.

Formal education can’t teach you these things, only life can. I am learning every single day. I am growing every single day. I am enjoying this season that God has placed me in, even if tears come. You always learn, always.

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