We lock our doors, have alarm systems, carry weapons, password protect our phones and computers. Why? Security. We want to make sure our cars, homes, information and lives are secure.
But really it is more about trust. We don’t trust the people around us or society at large with anything. This mainly deals with our outside circles. How we deal with people that we don’t know, people that are on the fringes of our lives. And yet within our inner circles a sense of security and trust must be present in order to have relationships and live.
At the office it is vital for me to know that my account managers are going to do whatever they say they are going to do. If I ask them to call a client, I trust that it is done. If trust becomes an issue, work as a whole becomes an issue.
In our personal lives it is the same. Why is family often held in higher regard then friends, because of security and trust that they will always be family, always be there. Without the sense of security in our inner lives, paranoia sets in causing havoc in our hearts and minds.
We live divide lives torn with trust leading the charge and I guess that is why sometimes it is just easier to lock the whole word out then to let anybody in. It isn’t a good life though. It isn’t the life we were born to live. Allowing ourselves to be open to people we learn to trust is hard, and takes time but it is worth it. Totally and completely worth it. In the end, a battered life full of ups and downs is way better than being a flat line.