Monday, December 26, 2011


Be who you are. Laugh at yourself. Enjoy your family and the onesie your mom got you for Christmas, 
wait that is just me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This time of year Santa is ever present. The magical make believe man that has been created in the hearts and minds of children. Parents can create or add onto what Santa does and creativity can be used to allow for Santa to prefer peanut butter cookies over oatmeal ones. In the past two days I traveled to visit the new college that I landed with two of my co-workers which was great fun, minus the twelve hours of driving! But when I started to think more in depth about what I actually do for my job a lot of it involves creativity and trust. I visited the school with a range of services for them to choose from, they trusted that I could provide the services and I create a custom package to suite the college. They pay; we back it up with great services. Bring it around to Santa. He seems to fulfill his end of the bargain every year with gifts, but what happens if he doesn’t back it up? All I know is that the idea of Santa may not be slipping down the chimney of my house when I have children, because my children trust me and I want to back it up.

Plus, I don’t think I would let my children sit on this sketchy Santa’s lap, I sure didn’t want to!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Being a grown-up can be way fun. Christmas wreath:

My dog snoring louder than anybody I have ever heard:

Loving my life.
